Mr. Bryant
Welcome! In this class you will learn a new way of seeing as you create art with light. During the course of this class, you will be learning how to operate a camera and the techniques of taking and digitally editing pictures according to the fundamental principals of art. Aesthetic appreciation of photography will be developed to help students value photography and express creativity more effectively. The relationship of photography to other areas of knowledge and to possible careers will be discussed, as well as the cultural and historical backgrounds to provide a well-rounded view of this art form. An introduction to Adobe Photoshop CS2 and its photo editing capabilities will increase your technological prowess and provide real-world applications.
There are two important expectations that I will hold of all students attending this class.
If you are not in class, you do not have access to the laboratory facilities necessary to participate in this class. You will also be missing important demonstrations, discussions and lectures that are an integral part of the learning process, and these will not be represented for students that are absent. In-class critiques also cannot be made up as they are a class discussion process. If you are absent, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN THE MISSED MATERIAL AND TO TURN IN ASSIGNMENTS DUE.
In this class, you will be working with a good amount of expensive equipment. Failure to use these responsibly can cause problems that will affect every student in the class and can be justification for removal from the class. Also, the nature of this class requires a high amount of self-discipline. Your responsibility to plan ahead and give yourself a margin for error is key to your success in this class.
Grades for this course will be based upon: WEEKLY photography assignments ( 20% ) and projects ( 50% ), written critiques/reports, tests/quizzes, in-class participation, individual progress, self-evaluations, and effort ( 20% ) , FINAL (10%). YOU MUST SHOOT, EDIT, SUBMIT / PRINT YOUR OWN PICTURES ! ! !
- You cannot take pictures of pictures; it is copyright infringement.
- You cannot use someone else’s photographs for your own assignments.
These actions will result in a zero for the assignments and/or a referral and the assignment may not be made up. If another student takes the pictures and you turn them in as your own, you will receive an F on the assignment. If another student does the work, and you turn it in as your own, you COULD both receive an F on the assignment.
Photographic work may be re-done and turned in for a higher grade at anytime during the semester, provided that you turned it in on time originally. Late photographic work will receive FEWER POINTS and will only be accepted up to two weeks after the due date. Written work MAY not be accepted late. Extra credit opportunities will only be available to those students who have all other work turned in.
In this class, I expect the best from every student. Respect for other students, myself, the classroom and its materials are an integral part of this effort. As previously discussed, the independent nature and working conditions of this class requires maturity and responsibility.
You will need to have access to a digital camera for this class, preferably a DSLR (Digital Single lens Reflex). There are school cameras that will be available for those students who are unable to provide themselves with a camera. However, these may only be used providing that you and your parent/guardian have signed this form accepting the responsibility to repair or replace equipment that has been lost, stolen, or damaged while the camera or any other piece of equipment was checked out to you. When you check a camera out overnight, it must be returned WITHIN 48 HOURS or you will be denied future privileges in this area. This is because we only have a limited amount of cameras to accommodate all of our students, and your failure to return the equipment in a timely manner will affect other students’ abilities to complete assignments. There will always be a class camera available during class for twenty minute periods.
A USB storage device (flash drive) is helpful for storing work and online storage is recommended….gmail is highly recommended. GOOGLE PHOTO or blogspot APPS are good free websites where students should store all assignments and projects.
Most assignments will be posted on the blogspot…
Most assignments will be turned in to the following email...
Several art shows will be available for students with exceptional work and a few online contests too.
Paper and writing utensils should be brought to class daily.
Please feel free to contact me with any comments or questions!
When both you and your parent or guardian has read this information, please both sign and return to me.
Student Signature:______________________________Print:______________________
Parent/Guardian Signature:______________________________Print:______________________
Daytime and/or Cell Phone:_________________________
Thank you and I am looking forward to having a great semester.
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